Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 7 October 2019

Volume 44 Issue 4

Attachment security, early childhood intervention and the National Disability Insurance Scheme: a risk and rights analysis

Stacey Lynne Alexander, Margarita Frederico and Maureen Long


1 Department of Occupational Therapy and Social Work and Social Policy, Bundoora, Victoria, College of Science, Health and Engineering, La Trobe University, Australia


* Stacey Lynne Alexander


Stacey Lynne Alexander -

Margarita Frederico -

Maureen Long -

CITATION: Alexander S.L., Frederico M., & Long M. (2019). Attachment security, early childhood intervention and the National Disability Insurance Scheme: a risk and rights analysis. Children Australia, 44(4), 2187.

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To promote the rights, well-being and development of the child, and for the benefit of families and the community, attachment should be a central focus of early childhood intervention (ECI) under the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). ECI Key Workers have the opportunity to positively influence parent–child relationships and are encouraged to do so by the ECI national guidelines. This article identifies how elements of the NDIS design and implementation may be counterproductive to fostering attachment security in children. These elements can lead to delayed intervention; increased parental stress; reduced expertise of service providers; and financial disincentives for best practice in working with disadvantaged families. The article highlights the implications for children with a disability and their families in Australian society and identifies lessons for the design and implementation of social policy.

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