Article type: Report

PUBLISHED 2 May 2019

Volume 44 Issue 2

You are not allowed to tell: organisational culture as a barrier for child protection workers seeking assistance for traumatic stress symptomology

Fiona Oates

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Fiona Oates
1 * ORCID logo


1 College of Arts, Society and Education, Cairns, Queensland, James Cook University, Australia


* Fiona Oates


Fiona Oates -

Part of Special Series: Special Conference Issue – The Neuroscience of Trauma and Development in The Everydaygo to url

CITATION: Oates F. (2019). You are not allowed to tell: organisational culture as a barrier for child protection workers seeking assistance for traumatic stress symptomology. Children Australia, 44(2), 2164.

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Child protection work is one of the most difficult and complex areas of human services practice. Working within a trauma-laden environment often means that practitioner susceptibility to trauma-related mental health issues is an occupational hazard. However, many practitioners are reluctant to seek support when they start to experience symptoms of traumatic stress. This paper considers current literature relating to child protection workers’ exposure to work-related traumatic material, resulting traumatic stress symptomology and organisational responses to practitioner distress. Results from a recent doctoral study that explores the experiences of child protection practitioners based in Queensland will be presented. Findings from the study were derived from qualitative in-depth, semi-structured interviews. The study findings indicate that the organisational culture within statutory child protection agencies creates an environment where practitioners are labelled as incompetent or not suitable for child protection work when they disclose experiencing symptoms of traumatic stress. The experience of bullying and retribution by supervisors and colleagues and the fear of rejection by the workgroup were also found to be significant barriers for workers seeking support.

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