Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 March 1979

Volume 4 Issue 1

Early Childhood Development Complexes — Where to from here?

Yoland Wadsworth

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Yoland Wadsworth


1 Department of Anthropology and Sociology, Monash University, Victoria


Yoland Wadsworth -

CITATION: Wadsworth Y. (1979). Early Childhood Development Complexes — Where to from here? Children Australia, 4(1), 214.

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On March 20th of this year, it will be exactly five years since the Victorian Minister for Health released the Report of the Consultative Council on Pre-School Child Development, a document which was then adopted “in principle” as government policy for the State.

This report yielded, amongst many detailed recommendations, the concept of an Early Childhood Development Complex (ECDC) which has since been implemented in practice in a number of different places throughout Victoria.

As the research officer to the Consultative Council, I attended, from my appointment, all its deliberations and discussions, meetings, weekend workshops (some residential) and had the unique opportunity of witnessing the meshing of these experienced minds.

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