Article type: Letter to the Editor

PUBLISHED 1 September 2018

Volume 43 Issue 3

A Response to ‘Weighing Up the Evidence and Local Experience of Residential Care’

Frank Ainsworth and Martha J. Holden


1 School of Social Work and Community Welfare, Townsville campus, Queensland, James Cook University, Australia

2 Residential Child Care Project, Ithaca, New York, Cornell University, USA,


Frank Ainsworth -

Martha J. Holden -

CITATION: Ainsworth F., & Holden M.J. (2018). A Response to ‘Weighing Up the Evidence and Local Experience of Residential Care’. Children Australia, 43(3), 2129.

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We are in agreement with some of the points made in the recent article by Tregeagle, ‘Weighing up the evidence and local experience of residential care’ (Children Australia, 42(4), 240–247). For example, there can be no dispute about the high costs of residential placements or that achieving a stable residential environment is very challenging. Table 1 provides a three state cost comparison of residential placements (Ainsworth, 2017).

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