Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 March 1979

Volume 4 Issue 1

Helping Parents — A preventive approach

E. J. Mildern

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E. J. Mildern

CITATION: Mildern E.J. (1979). Helping Parents — A preventive approach. Children Australia, 4(1), 211.

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The Parents' Help Centre is a child abuse prevention unit which began operation in Perth on 9.1.1976. The Centre is administered by the Western Australian Department for Community Welfare and is jointly funded by the Office of Child Care and Department for Community Welfare.

The Centre aims at preventing the physical abuse of pre-school children by offering a non-professional family-type support service in a warm accepting atmosphere to parents who are having difficulty in controlling their behaviour towards their (pre-school) children. The Centre is available to parents 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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