Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 25 May 2017

Volume 42 Issue 3

Young People Leading Change in Domestic Violence Prevention: R4Respect

Karen Struthers, Clare Tilbury and Grace Williams


1 School of Human Services and Social Work, Logan campus, Meadowbrook, 4131, Brisbane, Queensland, Griffith University, Australia

2 Youth and Family Service (YFS) Ltd., 376 Kingston Road, Slacks Creek, 4127, Logan City, Queensland, Australia


* Karen Struthers


Karen Struthers -

Clare Tilbury -

Grace Williams -

CITATION: Struthers K., Tilbury C., & Williams G. (2017). Young People Leading Change in Domestic Violence Prevention: R4Respect. Children Australia, 42(3), 2080.

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Active youth participation models that tackle major social problems can promote positive youth development and wellbeing. Implementation and evaluation of youth participation models to curtail violence in families and other intimate relationships is limited. The present study reports on a process evaluation of a new youth participation model called R4Respect that features a peer-led approach to respectful relationships education, which is aimed at preventing domestic violence. The evaluation uses qualitative methods, based on interviews with youth participants and adult external stakeholders, drawing on the Tiffany–Eckenrode Program Participation Scale. The evaluation demonstrates that R4Respect is successfully engaging young people as decision-makers and peer-educators in strategies aimed at improving the understanding young people have of what constitutes respect in relationships. The R4Respect model shows that young people can fulfil an important role in the prevention of domestic violence.

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