Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 June 2017

Volume 42 Issue 2

Wondering From the Womb: Antenatal Yarning In Rural Victoria

Kathy Crouch

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Kathy Crouch
1 *


1 Early Years Service, Mildura, Victoria, Mallee District Aboriginal Services, Australia


* Kathy Crouch


Kathy Crouch -

CITATION: Crouch K. (2017). Wondering From the Womb: Antenatal Yarning In Rural Victoria. Children Australia, 42(2), 2073.

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This program development report describes the birth of ‘Wondering From the Womb’, a self-determined antenatal yarning resource created through a culturally respectful action research project undertaken in rural Victoria with Indigenous and non-Indigenous community members and professionals. The qualitative reviews completed within Community involved 40 participants who shared their wisdom and experiences regarding antenatal health, parenting and child-rearing practise and connection to Country. The resulting yarning resource, written from the perspective of a baby in the womb, has encouraged curiosity and wonder about what antenates can teach adults and community members regarding their life, learning and healing. Future uses for such a resource are identified with an aim to continue self-determined, culturally respectful service delivery for Indigenous babies, children and families across the Loddon Mallee region.

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