Article type: Editorial

PUBLISHED 17 May 2016

Volume 41 Issue 2

Family Violence and its Elimination: The Search for New Ways

Rachael Sanders and Jennifer Lehmann


1 Children Australia


Rachael Sanders -

Jennifer Lehmann -

CITATION: Sanders R., & Lehmann J. (2016). Family Violence and its Elimination: The Search for New Ways. Children Australia, 41(2), 2025.

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As a significant social problem at the foreground of social and political commentary violence, and violence against women (VAW) in particular, is receiving a great deal of local and global attention (Hooker, Kaspiew, &; Taft, 2016). Following years of campaigning by women's groups, there appears to be substantial will and determination to redress this social problem both here and abroad. The movement started back in the late 1960s, with Scotland being one of the countries that led the way and ‘Much of this work was undertaken by women's units, equalities units, and later, community safety units.’ Various efforts were made to address violence towards women and sexual abuse; and ‘Undoubtedly the most high profile example of this was the development in 1992/1993 of the Zero Tolerance poster campaign by Edinburgh District Council Women's Unit’ (The Scottish Government, 2005).

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