Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 September 2014

Volume 39 Issue 3

Parents’ Experiences of Early Parenthood – Preliminary Findings

Rachael Sanders, Jennifer Lehmann and Fiona Gardner


1 La Trobe Rural Health School, Bendigo, Victoria 3552, La Trobe University, Australia


* Rachael Sanders


Rachael Sanders -

Jennifer Lehmann -

Fiona Gardner -

CITATION: Sanders R., Lehmann J., & Gardner F. (2014). Parents’ Experiences of Early Parenthood – Preliminary Findings. Children Australia, 39(3), 1926.

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Parents are instrumental in the healthy development of their children, and consequently future generations, and should therefore be supported in their parental role. Using a Grounded Theory framework, 24 parents of 0- to 10-year-olds were interviewed about their experiences and preparation for parenthood. Despite their overall satisfaction, many felt underprepared, unsure, alone and inadequate during their transition to parenthood. Most of them felt like they struggled unnecessarily during the first year of parenthood, commenting on changes that would help support new parents. This paper reports the preliminary findings of the study.

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