Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 September 2014

Volume 39 Issue 3

The Influence of Music Media on Gender Role and Self-identity: Perceptions of Children Aged 6 and 10 years

Lesley-Anne Ey

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Lesley-Anne Ey
1 *


1 Division of Education, Arts and Social Sciences, University of South Australia


*Dr Lesley-anne Ey


Lesley-Anne Ey -

CITATION: Ey L. (2014). The Influence of Music Media on Gender Role and Self-identity: Perceptions of Children Aged 6 and 10 years. Children Australia, 39(3), 1923.

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There are currently widespread concerns around the impact of media on children's healthy development. This study investigated whether music media influences young children's gender role and self-identity. Thirty-four Grade 1 children and 38 Grade 4 children participated in an experimental study to explore their attitudes towards their own and the opposite gender, their perspectives about gender- and self-presentation, and whether a one-off exposure to music videos influenced their views. Results showed that children demonstrated attitudes consistent with gender stereotypes seen in contemporary music media. The findings indicate a need for early intervention to help children develop healthy attitudes around gender role and self-identity.

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