Article type: Editorial

PUBLISHED 21 May 2014

Volume 39 Issue 2


Rachael Sanders and Jennifer Lehmann


1 Children Australia


Rachael Sanders -

Jennifer Lehmann -

CITATION: Sanders R., & Lehmann J. (2014). Editorial. Children Australia, 39(2), 1917.

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We would like to begin this Editorial by expressing our thanks and appreciation to Frank Ainsworth for his many years of dedication and ongoing support for Children Australia. Frank has a long and esteemed history of providing counsel to families, practitioners, organisations and the court system on issues relating to child protection in NSW and beyond. Frank is well known for his cross-examination of the child protection system, its successes and failures; and is always keen to voice his opinion for change and improvement. He is an advocate of family inclusive practice and believes the child protection system should be working towards keeping children in their homes as much as possible. Together with John Berger, who also has a longstanding association with the child and family sector in Australia and is currently the CEO of St Barts in Perth, Frank has brought together a number of contributors to this themed issue, which examines issues of family inclusive practice, family preservation and areas for improvement to the broader child protection system.

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