Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 21 May 2014

Volume 39 Issue 2

What Parents Say About their Experience of Family Preservation Programmes

Maureen Long and Margarita Frederico


1 Department of Social Work and Social Policy, 3086 Victoria, La Trobe University, Australia


*Dr Maureen Long


Maureen Long -

Margarita Frederico -

CITATION: Long M., & Frederico M. (2014). What Parents Say About their Experience of Family Preservation Programmes. Children Australia, 39(2), 1909.

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This paper outlines the findings of a study which asked parents how they experienced participating in family preservation programs (FP) in Melbourne, Australia. The study explored whether participation was influential in changing their perceptions of themselves as parents. It was expected that participation would lead to a stronger sense of self-worth and that this could be harnessed to facilitate change. The study found that parents’ sense of self as a parent was enhanced by participation in FP programs and this led to an increased sense of hopefulness in their capacity to care safely for their children.

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