Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 December 2013

Volume 38 Issue 4

Children and Contact in the Context of Parental Separation and Family Violence: A Practice Perspective

Karen Barker

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Karen Barker
1 *


1 Separation Services, Anglicare WA


* Karen Barker


Karen Barker -

Part of Special Series: A Special Issue on International Family Mobility (And the Broader Family Law Context)go to url

CITATION: Barker K. (2013). Children and Contact in the Context of Parental Separation and Family Violence: A Practice Perspective. Children Australia, 38(4), 1891.

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Over the past seven years, in my role with Anglicare WA, I have had the privilege of listening to many separated parents share their concerns about their children's safety when spending time with the other parent who has been violent towards them. These concerns include, but are not limited to, trying to prove to the court that their children have been victims of family violence and that this risk will continue and possibly escalate during contact visits. The protective parent often reports that the children continue to be sent on contact visits even when the children experience a significant degree of trauma over their time in the care of the offending parent. In some cases the offending parent has a new partner who is also a victim of family violence and the children are exposed to this violence while on contact visits. Despite disclosures from the children, and efforts to keep them safe by reporting to the statutory agencies, I find that many of these children continue to be sent on contact visits. I am frequently told by the protective parent that when they are in court they are informed that a) there is insufficient evidence to warrant the court preventing the child from spending time with the other (violent) parent; and b) the father has the right to a meaningful relationship with his child and therefore contact will be ordered. It seems that priority is given to the parent's right to spend time with the child at the expense of the child's need, and right, to be safe.

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