Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 December 2013

Volume 38 Issue 4

Abduction and Relocation – Links and Messages

Marilyn Freeman

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Marilyn Freeman
1 *


1 Centre for Family Law and Practice, London Metropolitan University, UK


*Professor Marilyn Freeman


Marilyn Freeman -

Part of Special Series: A Special Issue on International Family Mobility (And the Broader Family Law Context)go to url

CITATION: Freeman M. (2013). Abduction and Relocation – Links and Messages. Children Australia, 38(4), 1885.

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This article considers the links between international child abduction and relocation. It draws on research evidence and anecdotal evidence to explore the conventional wisdom that a restrictive relocation jurisdiction will result in increased abductions by the parent wishing to relocate, usually the mother, while a liberal relocation jurisdiction will result in increased abductions by the prospective left-behind parent, usually the father. The article concludes by considering whether specialist mediation can help to prevent what are truly relocation disputes from becoming abductions.

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