Article type: Editorial

PUBLISHED 30 January 2013

Volume 38 Issue 1


Rachael Sanders

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Rachael Sanders
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CITATION: Sanders R. (2013). Editorial. Children Australia, 38(1), 1853.

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Welcome to the first issue of Children Australia for 2013. We trust you had an enjoyable festive season and are now firmly back into your work/life routines for the New Year. This year Jennifer and I are continuing with our commitment to bring quality research and practice-based commentaries about issues important to children, young people, families and the professionals who work with them. Later in the year we will see a special issue guest edited by Dr Nicola Taylor from the Centre for Research on Children and Families, Otago University, New Zealand. The special issue will focus on matters related to family law, the court system and separation/divorce. In addition to our regular invitation to submit your papers to Children Australia, we invite experts in the field to make contributions to the special issue.

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