Article type: other

PUBLISHED 1 June 2012

Volume 37 Issue 2

Senate Inquiry — Commonwealth Contribution to Former Forced Adoption Policies and Practices: Report of the Protecting Victoria's Vulnerable Children Inquiry: Volumes 1–3 (2012)

Rachael Sanders

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Rachael Sanders
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CITATION: Sanders R. (2012). Senate Inquiry — Commonwealth Contribution to Former Forced Adoption Policies and Practices: Report of the Protecting Victoria's Vulnerable Children Inquiry: Volumes 1–3 (2012). Children Australia, 37(2), 1831.

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Two important documents that address the health, care, protection and wellbeing of children and families, both past and present have been recently published and distributed within the public arena. Here I would like to provide a brief overview of each document. The aim is not to review or critique the publications, but rather act as a summary of their content and intent, with particular reference to their recommendations.

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