Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 June 2012

Volume 37 Issue 2

Improving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Support in Out-of-Home Care

Samantha Hutt and Annaley Clarke


1 Pathways, Churches of Christ Care, Brisbane, Australia


*Dr Annaley Clarke


Samantha Hutt -

Annaley Clarke -

CITATION: Hutt S., & Clarke A. (2012). Improving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Support in Out-of-Home Care. Children Australia, 37(2), 1827.

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Due to the overrepresentation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in the out-of-home care system many children will not always be cared for in a culturally appropriate placement. Therefore, cultural support planning for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people must be a high priority for all staff, carers and volunteers of out-of-home care services. Six themes have been identified as assisting in the provision of cultural support planning within placements. Each theme has a detailed list of resources that can be accessed for children and young people, carers and professionals.

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