Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 December 2011

Volume 36 Issue 4

Key Concepts in Social Pedagogy — or How to See Everyday Life in Children's Residential Homes From a Social Pedagogical Perspective

Sylvia Holthoff and Lotte Junker Harbo





Sylvia Holthoff -

Lotte Junker Harbo -

CITATION: Holthoff S., & Harbo L.J. (2011). Key Concepts in Social Pedagogy — or How to See Everyday Life in Children's Residential Homes From a Social Pedagogical Perspective. Children Australia, 36(4), 1808.

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“Now I can actually play soccer with the young people without fearing that my colleagues think I am escaping the paper work.”

These were the words from a participant in a social pedagogy training course in England a few years ago. This understanding emerged through in-depth discussions and activities around key social pedagogical concepts, such as the ‘common third’, the ‘3Ps’, the ‘zone of proximal development’ and the ‘learning zone model’. In this article we will explore how a joint activity, for example, playing soccer, can be seen as a pedagogical activity and with what intentions it is undertaken to make it pedagogically purposeful.

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