Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 2010

Volume 35 Issue 2

Beyond apologies Historical reflections on policy and practice relating to the out-of-home care of children in contemporary Australia

Denise Cuthbert

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Denise Cuthbert

CITATION: Cuthbert D. (2010). Beyond apologies Historical reflections on policy and practice relating to the out-of-home care of children in contemporary Australia. Children Australia, 35(2), 1747.

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A series of harrowing reports across the 1990s on the past removal of children, black and white, from their families have impacted on children and family policy in contemporary Australia, and on the way in which this is reported by the media and understood by the public. This paper briefly surveys some of these consequences and asks how we, as a community, can learn from the past with respect to questions of the welfare of children, without being burdened by that past.

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