Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 2009

Volume 34 Issue 4

Young children's rough and tumble play: Developing effective policies for educators of pre-schoolers

Michelle T. Tannock


1 Department of Special Education, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, USA,


Michelle T. Tannock -

CITATION: Tannock M.T. (2009). Young children's rough and tumble play: Developing effective policies for educators of pre-schoolers. Children Australia, 34(4), 1729.

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This article outlines rough and tumble play of young children in early childhood settings and strategies for educators seeking to manage the play. Descriptions and a categorization of the elements of rough and tumble play observed as part of a research study are presented which serve as a foundation to interpret and manage the play. An example of effective policy development is presented in support of educators developing effective strategies to successfully incorporate rough and tumble play in their early childhood settings.

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