Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 2009

Volume 34 Issue 3

Developments in Australian laws requiring the reporting of suspected child sexual abuse

Ben Mathews, Chris Goddard, Bob Lonne, Stephanie Short and Freda Briggs


1 Faculty of Law, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane,

2 Child Abuse Prevention Research Australia, Monash University, Victoria

3 Faculty of Health, Queensland University of Technology, Kelvin Grove Campus

4 Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Sydney

5 University of South Australia


Ben Mathews -

Chris Goddard -

Bob Lonne -

Stephanie Short -

Freda Briggs -

CITATION: Mathews B., Goddard C., Lonne B., Short S., & Briggs F. (2009). Developments in Australian laws requiring the reporting of suspected child sexual abuse. Children Australia, 34(3), 1723.

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Thousands of Australian children are sexually abused every year, and the effects can be severe and long lasting. Not only is child sexual abuse a public health problem, but the acts inflicted are criminal offences. Child sexual abuse usually occurs in private, typically involving relationships featuring a massive imbalance in power and an abuse of that power. Those who inflict child sexual abuse seek to keep it secret, whether by threats or more subtle persuasion. As a method of responding to this phenomenon and in an effort to uncover cases of sexual abuse that otherwise would not come to light, governments in Australian States and Territories have enacted legislation requiring designated persons to report suspected child sexual abuse. With Western Australia’s new legislation having commenced on 1 January 2009, every Australian State and Territory government has now passed these laws, so that there is now, for the first time, an almost harmonious legislative approach across Australia to the reporting of child sexual abuse. Yet there remain differences in the State and Territory laws regarding who has to make reports, which cases of sexual abuse are required to be reported, and whether suspected future abuse must be reported. These differences indicate that further refinement of the laws is required.

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