Article type: Commentary
1 January 2009
Volume 34 Issue 3
Article type: Commentary
1 January 2009
Volume 34 Issue 3
Commentary … Shifting the child protection juggernaut to earlier intervention
1 University of Melbourne
2 The University of Western Australia
3 University of Queensland
4 University of Technology Queensland
5 Monash University
6 University of NSW
7 Monash University
Cathy Humphreys -
Maria Harries -
Karen Healy -
Bob Lonne -
Philip Mendes -
Marilyn McHugh -
Rosemary Sheehan -
Cathy Humphreys1
Maria Harries2
Karen Healy3
Bob Lonne4
Philip Mendes5
Marilyn McHugh6
Rosemary Sheehan7
1 University of Melbourne
2 The University of Western Australia
3 University of Queensland
4 University of Technology Queensland
5 Monash University
6 University of NSW
7 Monash University
CITATION: Humphreys C., Harries M., Healy K., Lonne B., Mendes P., McHugh M., & Sheehan R. (2009). Commentary … Shifting the child protection juggernaut to earlier intervention. Children Australia, 34(3), 1716.