Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 2009

Volume 34 Issue 2

Parental drug and alcohol use as a contributing factor in applications to the Children's Court for protection orders

Lindsay Leek, Diane Seneque and Kaija Ward






Lindsay Leek -

Diane Seneque -

Kaija Ward -

CITATION: Leek L., Seneque D., & Ward K. (2009). Parental drug and alcohol use as a contributing factor in applications to the Children's Court for protection orders. Children Australia, 34(2), 1706.

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Drug use has a significant negative impact on the ability of parents to provide safe care for children and an outcome of this is the entry of some of these children into out-of-home care. This poses particular challenges for service providers, not only because of the complex nature of addiction, but also the many other issues facing these families. This paper reports on studies conducted by the Western Australian Department for Community Development in 2004 and 2007 which explored parental drug and alcohol use as a contributing factor in applications to the Children's Court for protection orders. The results of the 2004 study showed that parental drug and alcohol use was the second most common contributing factor in protection applications after neglect. It was also confirmed that drug and alcohol use rarely occurs in isolation, with strong links identified to neglect and domestic violence, as well as other factors, including physical abuse and homelessness/transient lifestyle. The 2007 follow-up study further highlighted the co-existence of parental drug and alcohol use and domestic violence.

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