Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 2009

Volume 34 Issue 1

Continuous family assessment: How are you going? How are you going now?

Marianne Berry and Scottye J. Cash

Part of Special Series: Keynote papers from the Association of Children's Welfare Agencies (ACWA) Conference, 2008go to url

CITATION: Berry M., & Cash S.J. (2009). Continuous family assessment: How are you going? How are you going now? Children Australia, 34(1), 1693.

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Working with children and families experiencing child maltreatment requires that a practitioner understand the family: their risks, their needs, their strengths, and the goals of the intervention. Therefore, many of the tools and training topics that support this work focus on family and child assessment. The purposes of a thorough assessment are to understand the immediate circumstances so that children are protected, and interventions are relevant to the child and family's circumstances and events. This paper presents a new assessment tool that is ecologically oriented, empirically based, and able to provide a continuous assessment of the child and family that can chart improvements and declines over the life of a case.

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