Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 2008

Volume 33 Issue 4

Hiding behind the past: Understanding historical abuse in out-of-home care

Kate Gaffney

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Kate Gaffney


1 Monash University,


Kate Gaffney -

CITATION: Gaffney K. (2008). Hiding behind the past: Understanding historical abuse in out-of-home care. Children Australia, 33(4), 1684.

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This article addresses common misconceptions about the historic abuse of children in Victoria during the mid-twentieth century, including those contained in the 2006 official Victorian Government apology to state wards. The article has two aims – firstly, to consider allegations of abuse and some common reactions to, and explanations of those allegations; and, secondly, to test the abuse allegations against the 1954 and 1960 Victorian Children's Welfare Regulations concerning the use of corporal punishment in Children's Homes. The author contends that historical relativism and the notion that abuse allegations can be explained as a feature of changing attitudes towards children and discipline do not stand up to scrutiny and inhibit useful examination of the causes and consequences of abuse in out-of-home care.

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