Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 2007

Volume 32 Issue 4

The complex digital divide: Information and communication technology amongst users of family support and foster care services

Susan Tregeagle

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Susan Tregeagle

CITATION: Tregeagle S. (2007). The complex digital divide: Information and communication technology amongst users of family support and foster care services. Children Australia, 32(4), 1635.

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This paper presents the findings of qualitative research on the use of mobile phones and home access to the Internet amongst some Australian welfare service users. It shows that a digital divide – the exclusion of some groups from information and communication technology – goes well beyond access to hardware. Phones are often unavailable and access to the Internet is contingent on infrastructure, technical support and individual interest. Access to the Internet at home is poor and, even when available, the way in which mobile phones and the Internet are used appears deeply affected by poverty, literacy and age. These findings present challenges for those concerned about vulnerable children’s ongoing disadvantage. Welfare agencies wishing to use the potential advantages of information and communication technology with families need to address patterns of use and the many barriers to access.

A glossary of ICT terms used in this article is presented at the end of the paper.

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