Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 2007

Volume 32 Issue 3

BIG RIG (Boys in Gippsland Reference and Information Group) Telling it like it is

Jenny O’Neill

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Jenny O’Neill

CITATION: O’Neill J. (2007). BIG RIG (Boys in Gippsland Reference and Information Group) Telling it like it is. Children Australia, 32(3), 1628.

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In partial response to two fatal utility truck accidents involving local school students, the School Focused Youth Service Coordinator and the Student Welfare Coordinator decided to form a boys’ reference group to find out if the school was meeting the boys’ health and well-being information needs. This resulted in 20 young men discussing and deciding on how they would find out the information, then developing a survey and distributing it to 113 boys. A wealth of information was gained from the completed surveys from young men in Years 8, 9 and 10 on what their information priorities were and how they would like the information delivered.

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