Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 2007

Volume 32 Issue 3

Re-engaging separated fathers with their children after contact has broken down

Andrew King and Ross Fletcher

CITATION: King A., & Fletcher R. (2007). Re-engaging separated fathers with their children after contact has broken down. Children Australia, 32(3), 1626.

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This paper explores how separated fathers, who may have limited or no contact with their children, can be understood from a non-deficit perspective (Fleming 2002; Hawkins &; Dollahite 1997; King 2000, 2001, 2005; King, Sweeney &; Fletcher 2004). It describes how the generative fathering framework is used as a model to assist separated fathers to rebuild their connection with their children. The paper also examines parent/child contact time from a child focused perspective.

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