Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 2007

Volume 32 Issue 3

For the sake of the children? Children, domestic violence and public policy

Suellen Murray and Anastasia Powell

CITATION: Murray S., & Powell A. (2007). For the sake of the children? Children, domestic violence and public policy. Children Australia, 32(3), 1624.

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More attention than ever before is being paid to children in Australian public policy concerned with domestic violence. In family law and in the areas of child protection, policing and in the provision of specialist services, there is recognition that children are affected by domestic violence. Yet the ‘discovery’ of the impact of domestic violence on children and the development of public policy responses have not been straightforward processes of problem identification and solution. Rather, there are a number of competing discourses which underlie various policy approaches. Drawing on Bacchi’s (1999) ‘what’s the problem represented to be?’ approach, we examine the discursive constructions of children’s experiences of domestic violence and the responses to them as evident in Australian public policy. In identifying these particular understandings, and considering the implications of these meanings for current policy and practice, we aim to contribute to debate on the future direction of domestic violence policy concerned with children.

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