Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 2006

Volume 31 Issue 3

Mentoring young people leaving care

Clare Griffin

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Clare Griffin

CITATION: Griffin C. (2006). Mentoring young people leaving care. Children Australia, 31(3), 1588.

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‘Whitelion’ is a non profit organisation that supports disadvantaged young people and helps make our community a more inclusive and safer place. Each year thousands of youths are disconnected from their families and our community due to abuse, neglect, drug addiction and poverty. These young people have often had horrific life experiences with few positive role models and are caught in a ‘cycle of discouragement’. Many of them end up in out-of-home care or the juvenile justice system. Whitelion gives them the best chance to ‘break the cycle’ through positive role modelling, mentoring and employment, and the opportunity to build positive lives for themselves.

Clare Griffin is the Mentoring Team Leader at Whitelion. She has worked with young people involved with the out-of-home care system in a variety of roles over the past eight years.

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