Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 2006

Volume 31 Issue 2

Towards a better life: Volunteer work with families who are substance abusing

Lesley Leece

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Lesley Leece


1 Lutheran Community Care, Queensland,


Lesley Leece -

CITATION: Leece L. (2006). Towards a better life: Volunteer work with families who are substance abusing. Children Australia, 31(2), 1574.

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This article presents the findings of a study into the effectiveness of trained volunteers working with families where substance abuse was identified as an issue. The study was initiated by Mater Family Support (now known as Mater Parent Aide Unit), Mater Health Services, Brisbane, and funded by the Commonwealth Department of Family and Community Services (now known as the Department of Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs). The goals of the study were to begin to understand the effectiveness of volunteer Parent Aide services that have been provided to myriad client groups over many years. The findings demonstrate that the services are valued by this particular target group. This is summed up in the words of one participant who said, ‘Government has to fund this for more people because there are so many people I know who could use it, but haven’t been offered the chance’. Replication of the study with other client groups will further enhance understanding of volunteer service provider effectiveness.

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