Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 2005

Volume 30 Issue 3

A checklist for organisations working with fathers using the non-deficit approach

Andrew King, Steve Sweeney and Ross Fletcher


1 UnilingCare Burnside, PO Box 6866, Parramatta NSW,


Andrew King -

Steve Sweeney -

Ross Fletcher -

CITATION: King A., Sweeney S., & Fletcher R. (2005). A checklist for organisations working with fathers using the non-deficit approach. Children Australia, 30(3), 1545.

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Following on from the article appearing in Children Australia Vol 30 No 2 (King 2005), this short paper develops a checklist for organisations working with fathers for assessing the programs they provide to men. The checklist uses four categories – environment, language, initial contact and marketing, and service provision – to assess their programs’ strengths and weaknesses.

The paper provides an opportunity for organisations to benchmark their approach in working with male service users and provides guidance on how program delivery can be improved.

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