Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 2005

Volume 30 Issue 3

Upping the ante!: The training and status of foster carers in Queensland

Anne Butcher

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Anne Butcher


1 Department of Child Safety, PO Box 995, Mackay, Queensland,


Anne Butcher -

CITATION: Butcher A. (2005). Upping the ante!: The training and status of foster carers in Queensland. Children Australia, 30(3), 1543.

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This paper presents key findings from current North Queensland doctoral research on the topic of foster carer education, training and support. Sixty-one interviews were conducted with Indigenous, non-Indigenous and relative foster carers and a broad range of other ‘key informants’. Research findings presented indicate the need for more highly specialised and accredited training for foster carers than currently exists in Queensland, and argues for the professionalisation of foster care linked to increased payments and improved support for foster carers. The paper concludes that such changes in the current foster care system are crucial if foster carers are to be recruited to, and retained in, the role and, more importantly, for there to be much improved outcomes for children in statutory care.

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