Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 2005

Volume 30 Issue 2

The ‘rule of optimism’: Dilemmas of embracing a strength based approach in child protection work

Carolyn Cousins

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Carolyn Cousins

CITATION: Cousins C. (2005). The ‘rule of optimism’: Dilemmas of embracing a strength based approach in child protection work. Children Australia, 30(2), 1531.

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Written from a practitioner’s perspective, this article explores some concerns with the application of the very popular strength based approaches to statutory child protection work. It is suggested that, despite the many benefits and positives in these approaches, these models are sometimes used (or misused) too early in intervention, which can lead to over optimism about the possibilities for change. The article questions whether a solely strength based approach can be safely applied to child protection work, and encourages practitioners to question their practice and ‘proceed with caution’.

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