Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 2005

Volume 30 Issue 2

The reviewer speaks …

Jennifer Lehmann

CITATION: Lehmann J. (2005). The reviewer speaks …. Children Australia, 30(2), 1528.

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It’s usually the end of a long day — perhaps the end of a long week — when that anonymous article is drawn from the pile of ‘things to do’. And it seemed like a small task when I agreed to be a reviewer for that journal article. I was interested in the topic … I am interested in the topic! I also support the aims and focus of the journal. After all, it’s one that melds practice and theory, and creates dialogue and debate amongst a range of professionals working in the child, youth and family sector. But I’m a little weary and I’m hoping to find energy and passion in the paper I’m about to tackle — an energy that will carry me through the next few hours of reading, thinking and writing that review report.

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