Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 2005

Volume 30 Issue 2

Children Australia …: Keeping us focused and connected

Lynda Campbell

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Lynda Campbell

CITATION: Campbell L. (2005). Children Australia …: Keeping us focused and connected. Children Australia, 30(2), 1527.

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Children Australia is a friendly journal. It is accessible, readable, contemporary, and straight forward. It has always been intended as a forum for practitioners and external commentators alike. The editorial policy has been relatively relaxed, with assistance provided to ensure a good spread of contributors. A quick scan of papers published over the last four years shows a predominance of papers from academics, primarily within schools of social work. These are enriched by contributions from writers from community development, youth services, child development, psychology, policy studies and history, often giving an extra critical slant or a sharp specialist focus that might otherwise be conspicuously missing. Personally, I really appreciate this interdisciplinary conversation and hope it will be preserved and developed.

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