Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 2004

Volume 29 Issue 3

Child protection practice with families affected by parental substance use

Erla Hallgrimsdottir, Karen Healy and Henrietta Foulds

CITATION: Hallgrimsdottir E., Healy K., & Foulds H. (2004). Child protection practice with families affected by parental substance use. Children Australia, 29(3), 1496.

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This paper reports on a study of child protection practice in a non-government child protection organisation in inner Sydney. The purpose of the study was to explore workers ‘perceptions of critical issues in child protection and family support work in families affected by parental substance use. The findings raise issues about prevalence of substance use issues in child protection work, the risks posed to workers in this domain of practice, and the importance of improved co-operation amongst agencies involved with these families affected by parental substance use. Future research directions for improving child protection and family support practice with families affected by parental substance use are considered.

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