Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 2004

Volume 29 Issue 2

The importance of fathers in building stronger families

Joe Fleming

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Joe Fleming


1 Department of Social Work, Monash University, Victoria,


Joe Fleming -

CITATION: Fleming J. (2004). The importance of fathers in building stronger families. Children Australia, 29(2), 1488.

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Fathers and father figures in child welfare and child development have often been neglected as a focus of interest and research, yet they are often recognised as being a key to the functioning of the family. In addition to this concept, parenting beliefs and practices inevitably influence those of child development and child rearing. By beginning to unravel the differences between role and gender and looking at the diverse dimensions of fatherhood, it is contended that there is no definitive discourse regarding fatherhood in the same way as it is suggested about motherhood.

Whoever these men are, and whichever ethnic group or culture that they may originate from, it is argued that they have often been ignored or avoided in child welfare work. It is hoped that by identifying some of the key concepts in this overlooked area, intervention can be planned to engage fathers more constructively.

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