Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 2003

Volume 28 Issue 3

A scaffold for participation in agency work

Elizabeth C. Reimer


1 UnitingCare Burnside, PO Box 6866, North Parramatta, NSW 2150,


Elizabeth C. Reimer -

CITATION: Reimer E.C. (2003). A scaffold for participation in agency work. Children Australia, 28(3), 1459.

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The following summary of a literature review on children and young people's participation in the welfare sector was written in response to a need to understand this concept within the context of human services work in New South Wales. This need became apparent through work being done at UnitingCare Burnside around children and young people's participation. Examination of the literature on participation revealed an increase in discussion around the issues. While this has included exploration of definitions, history, practice, models and factors enhancing effective participative practice, there has been a dearth of writing linking these. The literature review attempted to provide a scaffold that could be used to support agency workers as they attempt to build meaningful, effective, strong and reciprocal partnerships with children and young people. This concise summary of the literature review has sought to highlight the major supports found to provide a scaffold for participative agency practice with children and young people.

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