Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 2003

Volume 28 Issue 3

Boys aged 9-12 years using the services of Anglicare Victoria: A three month population study

Lynda Campbell and Margaret Kertesz





Lynda Campbell -

Margaret Kertesz -

CITATION: Campbell L., & Kertesz M. (2003). Boys aged 9-12 years using the services of Anglicare Victoria: A three month population study. Children Australia, 28(3), 1458.

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This study was conducted in response to the concerns of staff within Anglicare Victoria about the presenting problems of boys aged 9-12 years across the various agency programs and the lack of systematic data about them. Under the umbrella of the Anglicare Victoria/University of Melbourne Social Work Partnership Program, a study was undertaken with the assistance of social work students on placement within the agency. A census-style survey was completed by AV staff members for any boy aged 9, 10, 11 or 12 years in an agency program during a three-month period. Non-identifying survey forms were returned for 203 boys and this article reports the major descriptive information and service implications derived from those returns.

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