Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 2002

Volume 27 Issue 3

What's wrong with child welfare?: An examination of current practices that harm children

Meredith Kiraly

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Meredith Kiraly
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CITATION: Kiraly M. (2002). What's wrong with child welfare?: An examination of current practices that harm children. Children Australia, 27(3), 1397.

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This paper outlines the growing awareness of one experienced professional in the out-of-home care field regarding some of the deleterious practices of the present time. While much good practice exists in this field, it is the author's contention that entrenched attitudes which convey insensitivity and discrimination towards children and young people in care are still all too frequent; and that these attitudes continue to militate against meeting the essential needs of children and young people.

This paper outlines a group of theoretical concepts and relates them to a number of areas of current malpractice by way of an attempt to explain how these occur. In doing this, it seeks not to deny the sensitivity and skill of most current practitioners, and the excellent work that abounds in the child/youth welfare fields. Rather, the paper seeks to address those areas of practice which are still of concern, and to call for a change of attitude where needed.

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