Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 2002

Volume 27 Issue 1

Factors influencing school counsellors' decision not to report child sexual abuse

Juliette D G Goldman and Usha K Padayachi

CITATION: Goldman J.D.G., & Padayachi U.K. (2002). Factors influencing school counsellors' decision not to report child sexual abuse. Children Australia, 27(1), 1374.

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Using a state-wide sample of 122 school counsellors (52 males and 70 females) in Queensland, Australia, factors which influenced their decision not to report child sexual abuse were examined. These factors were a lack of evidence; lack of confidence in the authorities to accurately evaluate or protect sexually abused children; adverse effects on the family's social standing in the community; potential to break up the family; and the fear of breaking counsellor-client confidentiality. Further, school counsellors were not likely to report all cases of child sexual abuse when they suspected it, thus confirming the popular belief that child sexual abuse is under-reported by them.

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