Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 2001

Volume 26 Issue 3

So much to gain: New approaches to child protection meetings

Bronwen Elliott, Patricia Kiely and Sue Tolley

CITATION: Elliott B., Kiely P., & Tolley S. (2001). So much to gain: New approaches to child protection meetings. Children Australia, 26(3), 1348.

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While participation of parents in case planning in child protection is widely accepted as desirable, in practice both workers and parents are often left frustrated by the outcomes of child protection meetings. Two models of managing the decision making process are reviewed, Looking After Children (LAC) and Family Decision Making (FDM). Approaches to preparation, planning and management of conflict are highlighted. Strategies for facilitating parental participation are identified and can be applied more broadly to child protection meetings, to encourage more effective outcomes.

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