Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 2001

Volume 26 Issue 1

Managing the care journey: Meeting the health care needs of children in out-of-home care

Brenda Clare

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Brenda Clare

CITATION: Clare B. (2001). Managing the care journey: Meeting the health care needs of children in out-of-home care. Children Australia, 26(1), 1324.

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This paper looks at the issues impacting on the physical and mental health of children placed in out-of-home care and at the capacity of the care system to recognise and respond to those needs. It draws on the findings of a recent exploratory research project in Perth, commissioned by the General Practitioners’ Evaluation Programme (GPEP), in which the author participated as a researcher. The paper focuses in particular on the paucity of information about the child’s journey through the care system, reflecting on the aggregate ‘snap-shot’ focus on cohorts and ‘children as through-puts’, rather than on individualised, longitudinal profiles of placed children. A typology of care journeys is presented as a potential framework for locating and mapping children’s experiences.

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