Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 2001

Volume 26 Issue 1

Give everyone a say: The involvement of young people in selecting program staff

Meredith Kiraly

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Meredith Kiraly
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CITATION: Kiraly M. (2001). Give everyone a say: The involvement of young people in selecting program staff. Children Australia, 26(1), 1323.

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This article describes an Australian project which was conducted over several years in which small groups of young people were engaged to participate in the selection of staff to work in youth programs. It builds upon a series of small projects of a similar nature which have been conducted in the UK over the years 1993 to 1996. The collaboration of staff and young people in staff selection was a rewarding one, and led to the conclusion that with appropriate preparation and resourcing, this process is a very worthwhile addition to conventional staff selection, and one which adds useful information to the selection decision.

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