Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 2001

Volume 26 Issue 1

Families affected by the imprisonment of a parent: Towards restorative practices

Karen Healy, Denise Foley and Karyn Walsh

CITATION: Healy K., Foley D., & Walsh K. (2001). Families affected by the imprisonment of a parent: Towards restorative practices. Children Australia, 26(1), 1322.

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Over the past decade imprisonment rates in Australia have substantially increased. As imprisonment rates rise, so too do the number of families affected by the imprisonment of a parent. Yet the needs of parents in prison and their families have received little attention in social policies and service delivery practices. As the specific issues faced by parents in prison and their families cross many areas of government and community services responsibility, they all too easily slip from policy agendas. This paper outlines the challenges to, and potential for, restorative practices with families affected by the imprisonment of a parent. It draws on recent research undertaken by the authors into the family support needs of parents in prison and their families.

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