Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 2001

Volume 26 Issue 1

From minimal intervention to minimal support: Child protection services under the neo-liberal Kennett Government in Victoria 1992-1999

Philip Mendes

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Philip Mendes
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CITATION: Mendes P. (2001). From minimal intervention to minimal support: Child protection services under the neo-liberal Kennett Government in Victoria 1992-1999. Children Australia, 26(1), 1321.

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This article examines the politics and ideology of Victorian child protection services during the Kennett years. The argument advanced is that the Kennett Liberal/National Party Coalition Government viewed child abuse in narrow, individualistic terms. In contrast to the previous Labor Government, which emphasized a philosophy of minimal intervention based on a partnership of family, community and the state, the Kennett philosophy was one of minimal support. The key emphasis was on the reporting of child abuse to statutory child protection authorities, and the treatment and punishment of individual offenders. Spending on broader structural prevention and support services which actually help the victims of abuse was not a priority.

A number of examples of this neo-liberal agenda are given, including the poorly timed introduction of mandatory reporting and the associated diversion of resources from support services to investigation; the early cuts to accommodation and non-government support services; the inadequate response to demonstrated links between child abuse and poverty; the censorship of internal and external critics; and the appalling handling of the strike by child protection workers. Attention is focused primarily on the broader macro-political debates, rather than specific micro-service delivery issues.

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