Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 September 1977

Volume 2 Issue 3

Facing Decision in an Artificial Insemination by Donor Programme

Alison Bonython

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Alison Bonython


1 Royal Womens Hospital — Melbourne


Alison Bonython -

CITATION: Bonython A. (1977). Facing Decision in an Artificial Insemination by Donor Programme. Children Australia, 2(3), 130.

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A service offering artificial insemination with Donor semen (A.I.D.) commenced in June 1976 at the Royal Women's Hospital. This service was established mainly because adoption is no longer readily available to anyone with problems of infertility, the number of adoptable children having been dramaticaly reduced over the last 3 years. Twenty-five percent of infertile couples are so due to the husband's infertility. With the advent of programmes such as at the Royal Women's Hospital, these couples are able to consider an alternative means to having a family, especially if they can extend their view of parenthood beyond the biological aspect, to the rearing of children.

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