Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 2000

Volume 25 Issue 3

Bending like a river: The Parenting between Cultures program

Carole Kayrooz and Cathy Blunt


1 Centre for Professional and Vocational Education, University of Canberra, ACT 2601

2 Marymead Child and Family Centre, Kingston


Carole Kayrooz -

Cathy Blunt -

CITATION: Kayrooz C., & Blunt C. (2000). Bending like a river: The Parenting between Cultures program. Children Australia, 25(3), 1292.

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While there are many parent education programs in Australia, there have been few developed to cater specifically to the needs of migrant groups. Attempting to fill this gap, a parenting program was developed and trialedfor three ethnic communities. The program addressed key parenting issues found to be of relevance to members of culturally and linguistically diverse groups, including: intergenerational conflict arising from different acculturation rates; the protective factor of a bicultural parenting identity; knowledge of the school system; discipline options and child abuse laws; and how to gain support. The program was subsequently independently evaluated. Quantitative and qualitative information from both the process and outcomes of the program revealed that it was effective, particularly in fostering an understanding of the impact of culture on parenting, knowledge of the school system, non-physical disciplinary methods and child abuse laws. This study may be one of the first targeted ethnic parenting programs to be independently evaluated in Australia.

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