Article type: Original Research

PUBLISHED 1 January 2000

Volume 25 Issue 1

Through the wall: An address to practitioners at a forum on the Working Together Strategy

Paul McDonald

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Paul McDonald

CITATION: McDonald P. (2000). Through the wall: An address to practitioners at a forum on the Working Together Strategy. Children Australia, 25(1), 1274.

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This address was given at a forum in November J999 for practitioners in the juvenile justice, alcohol and drug, mental health and child protection services in Victoria as part of the Department of Human Services’ Working Together Strategy’ (WTS). The WTS is a quality improvement initiative of the DHS in partnership with adolescent mental health and drug treatment service providers.

WTS provides an organisational framework for the Community Care Division, the Aged, Community and Mental Health Division and the Public Health Division (specifically in reference to the mental health, child protection and care, juvenile justice and drug treatment services programs) to achieve better outcomes for shared clients. WTS is a response to perceived deficits in cross-program collaboration and communication in cases involving high need adolescent clients.

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